Rendez-vous, rallying towards social justice.
Solidarity in action: a four point program
- We make one day a better day when we visit : special meal, treat for all, beach outing, competitions, rewards
- We stimulate creativity and education: reinforce French, teach English and computer literacy, teacher training, arts and crafts
- We foster entrepreneurship and job opportunity : micro-loans, mentoring, study grants, tool kits, micro-business seminars, start-up funding and grants for printing press, wholesale mini-market, small café/community center, “pâté” and pizza stands, toiletries stand, moto-taxi service.
- We support sustainability efforts for a Home for Children in need: infrastructure repairs and construction, staff salaries, Sponsor a Child, Family Reunification program, chicken coop, vegetable garden, fruit trees, crafts, ‘mamba” production, volunteers, grant requests
Solidarity in Action. Solidarity that works.